Monday, December 20, 2010

Around Hue

Kathryn charging ahead on our motorcycle tour.
Many tourists recommended this method of touring Hue, and we agree; we covered a lot of ground. After an afternoon on the bike, Kathryn is keen to own her own motorcycle, or at the very least, a pink vespa. Can you see Kathryn now; pink vespa with a chihuahua in the basket? (read the previous post)

A Japanese bridge constructed in the 18 century. Beyond the bridge, we visited a museum, which is by far, the most entertaining and informative of many. Two ladies performed an interactive display of the methods applied by the Vietnamese to sow, tend, and reap their crops of rice. We were both in stitches, as one imitated the ox, and the other with a bamboo whip. At the end of their performance, we sat down with the ladies as they proceeded to prepare and eat betel nut; we declined.

Gordon taking in the views

We visited a American bunker from the war, well situated on a knoll, with a strategic view of the Huong river

Kathryn trying to fit in


We passed by many road side shops selling colourful incense. We stopped, and watched them prepare, and make the incense.

A Chinese pagoda

We returned to our room after an afternoon to find two towel piglets and towel lotus flower. Gordon removed the towel head of the second towel piglet without noticing the towel detail. Gordon could not recreate the towel head of the towel piglet for the towel shot.

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